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The Graduate Program "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" qualification system is aligned with the standards of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The individual research project is the core of the doctoral stage and accompanied by a study program. Students will be allowed a high degree of freedom in selecting specific study topics of greatest personal interest. The curriculum of the graduate program consists of:

  • lectures and seminars to provide a strong conceptual and theoretical background in biodiversity research,

  • practical courses and workshops,
  • scientific meetings and other activities,
  • complementary and soft skills.

Details about the extent and content of the curriculum are listed in the rules and regulations. The level of achievement consists of accumulating 30 credit points in total. 1 credit point comprises 25 to 30 hours work load. Several categories has to be filled with courses and events:

Scientific training: 1. Transdisciplinary courses;  2. Advanced courses; 3. Presentation of own research

Additional Training: 1. Knowledge transfer; 2. Research management; 3. Key Qualifications: please note, that at least one course about good scientific practice is obligatory (1 course days = 1 credit point is needed).

Language Training: German, Scientific English if necessary


For the colloquia: If you join one colloquium for the whole semester, please provide as certificate a list with all talks and the signature of the respective organizer of the colloquium, in most cases the leader of the inviting research group.

Annual Retreats

Annual retreats for the doctoral candidates of the graduate program and their supervisors provide an excellent opportunity for PhD candidates to present and discuss their research among colleagues. This annual retreats allow an intensive exchange of knowledge, research ideas and experience not only between doctoral students but also between their supervisors.